LBTU izdotie krājumi un žurnāli tiešsaistē
Informāciju par publikācijām var skatīt bibliotēkas
veidotajās datubāzēs: "LBTU mācībspēku un pētnieku publikācijas" un "LBTU žurnālu un konferenču raksti"
Agronomijas vēstis : [zinātnisko rakstu krājums] / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitāte Lauksaimniecības fakultāte = Proceedings in agronomy / Latvian Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Agriculture. ISSN 1691-3485.
- Nr.12 (2009)
- Nr.11 (2008)
- Nr.10 (2008)
- Nr.9 (2006)
- Nr.8 (2005)
- Nr.7 (2004)
- Nr.6 (2004)
- Nr.5 (2003)
- Nr.4 (2002)
- Nr.3 (2001)
- Nr.1 (1999)
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
Baltic Surveying: international scientific journal / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). ISSN 2255-999X. DOI: 10.22616/j.balticsurveying
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- Volume 19 (2024)
- Volume 18 (2023)
- Volume 17 (2022)
- Volume 16 (2022)
- Volume 15 (2021)
- Volume 14 (2021)
- Volume 13 (2020)
- Volume 12 (2020)
- Volume 11 (2019)
- Volume 10 (2019)
- Volume 9 (2018)
- Volume 8 (2018)
- Volume 7 (2017)
- Volume 6 (2017)
- Volume 5 (2016)
- Volume 4 (2016)
- Volume 3 (2015)
- Volume 2 (2015)
- Volume 1 (2014)
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Applied Science & Technology Source Ultimate, EBSCO Discovery Service, Primo Central (ExLibris).
Landscape architecture and art : scientific journal of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Jelgava: LBTU. ISSN 2255-8632. E-ISSN 2255-8640. DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Fakultātes mājaslapā:
- Volume 23 (2023) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2023.23
- Volume 22 (2023) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2023.22
- Volume 21 (2022) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2022.21
- Volume 20 (2022) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2022.20
- Volume 19 (2021) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2021.19
- Volume 18 (2021) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2021.18
- Volume 17 (2020) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2020.17
- Volume 16 (2020) DOI: 10.22616/j.landarchart.2020.16
- Volume 15 (2019)
- Volume 14 (2019)
- Volume 13 (2018)
- Volume 12 (2018)
- Volume 11 (2017)
- Volume 10 (2017)
- Volume 9 (2016)
- Volume 8 (2016)
- Volume 7 (2015)
- Volume 6 (2015)
- Volume 5 (2014)
- Volume 4 (2014)
- Volume 3 (2013)
- Volume 2 (2013)
- Volume 1 (2012)
Datubāzes: Scopus (indeksēts no 2016. gada), Web of Science (indeksēts no 2016. gada), AGRIS, CAB Abstract, Crossref ( no 2017. gada), EBSCO Art & Architecture Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, EBSCO The Belt and Road Initiative Reference Source, EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
Rural Sustainability Research. Former: Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture. Berlin: Sciendo. ISSN: 2256-0939.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Adrese LBTU portālā:
- 51. sēj. (2024) - Volume 51 (2024): Issue 346 (August 2024)
- 50. sēj. (2023) - Volume 50 (2023): Issue 345 (December 2023)
- 49. sēj. (2023) - Volume 49 (2023): Issue 344 (August 2023)
- 48. sēj. (2022) - Volume 48 (2022): Issue 343 (December 2022)
- 47. sēj. (2022) - Volume 47 (2022): Issue 342 (August 2022)
- 46. sēj. (2021) - Volume 46 (2021): Issue 341 (December 2021)
- 45. sēj. (2021) - Volume 45 (2021): Issue 340 (August 2021)
- 44. sēj. (2020) - Volume 44 (2020): Issue 339 (December 2020)
- 43. sēj. (2020) - Volume 43: Issue 338 (August 2020)
- 42. sēj. (2019) - Volume 42: Issue 337 (December 2019)
- 41. sēj. (2019) - Volume 41: Issue 336 (August 2019)
- 40. sēj. (2018) - Volume 40: Issue 335 (December 2018)
- 39. sēj. (2018) - Volume 39, Issue 334 (August 2018)
- 38. sēj. (2017) - Volume 38, Issue 333 (November 2017)
- 37. sēj. (2017) - Volume 37, Issue 332 (July 2017)
- 36. sēj. (2016) - Volume 36, Issue 331 (December 2016)
- 35. sēj. (2016) - Volume 35, Issue 330 (June 2016)
- 34. sēj. (2015) - Volume 34 (December 2015)
- 33. sēj. (2015) - Volume 33 (July 2015)
- 32. sēj. (2014) - Volume 32 (December 2014)
- 31. sēj. (2014) - Volume 31 (June 2014)
- 30. sēj. (2013) - Volume 30 (December 2013)
- 29. sēj. (2013) - Volume 29 (January 2013)
- 28. sēj. (2012) - Volume 28 (2012)
- 27. sēj. (2012) - Volume 27 (2012)
Datubāzes: Scopus (indeksēts no 2020. gada), Agricola, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, Crossref, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), EBSCO Academic Search Complete, EBSCO Food Science Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, J-Gate, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris), WorldCat (OCLC).
Real property cadastre in Baltic countries / Velta Parsova, Virginija Gurskiene, Madis Kaing ; Estonian University of Life Sciences. Department of Geomatics, Latvia University of Agriculture. Department of Land Management and Geodesy, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Lithuania. Land Management Department. Jelgava : [b.i.], 2012. 168 lpp. ISBN 9789984480640.
Datubāzes: Agricola, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts.
Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultātes raksti / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte ; [galvenais redaktors Voldemārs Bariss]. Jelgava : Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2011- sēj. ISSN 1691-9920
Datubāzes: AGRIS, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
LBTU kongresu un konferenču krājumi
Informāciju par publikācijām var skatīt bibliotēkas
veidotajā datubāzē: "LBTU konferenču materiāli"
IV Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongresa (Rīga, 2018. g. 18. – 20. jūnijs) Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu sekcijas referātu tēzes. Jelgava: LLU. – 113 lpp.
ISBN 978-9984-48-300-9 (USB)
ISBN 978-9984-48-301-6 (online)
IV Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku kongresa Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu sekcijas prezentācijas:
- Irina Pilvere. Bioekonomikas attīstības iespējas Latvijā
- Baiba Rivža. Latvijas lauku attīstības scenāriji zināšanās balstītas ekonomikas kontekstā
- Ruta Galoburda, Antons Ruža, Inga Moročko-Bičevska, Daina Jonkus, Tatjana Ķince, Aivars Bērziņš. Lauksaimniecības resursi ilgtspējīgai kvalitatīvas un veselīgas pārtikas ražošanai Latvijā: Valsts pētījumu programmā AgroBioRes sasniegtais
- Jurģis Jansons. Zinātnē balstīta meža nozare Latvijā
- Skaidrīte Dzene, Lāsma Aļeksējeva. Bioloģiskās lauksaimniecības nozīme dabīgās kosmētikas konkurētspējas paaugstināšanā eksporta tirgos
- Ilze Matise-VanHoutana. Kad defekts kļūst par efektu: skatupunkts, no kura vērtēt slimības uzliesmojumu
- Ieviņa Stūrīte. Oglekļa akumulācija zālājos Norvēģijā
- Aivars Ratkevičs, Armands Celms, Vivita Puķīte. Robežas demarkācijas nozīme Latvijas Republikas drošības un stabilitātes nodrošināšanai
- Edīte Kaufmane, Māra Skrīvele. Kā nodrošināt Latviju ar vietējiem augļiem?
- Asnate Ķirse, Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Liene Strauta, Ruta Galoburda, Daina Kārkliņa, Evija Puiškina. Olbaltumvielām bagāti inovatīvi pārtikas produkti no pākšaugiem
- Aigars Laizāns. Ūdeņradis enerģētikā un transportā
Datubāzes: AGRIS
Baltic surveying: proceedings / International Scientific Conference of Agriculture Universities of Baltic States. ISSN 2243-5999 (print). ISSN 2243-6944 (online)
Datubāzes: Web of Science (2011. g.), AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, EBSCO Sustainability Reference Center, EBSCO Academic Search Research & Development, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference "Būvniecība' ..." : konferences ziņojumu tēžu krājums / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Jelgava : LBTU. ISSN 2500-9915.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība’2023
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība’2022
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība’2021
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība’2020
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība’2019
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība’2018
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība'2017
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība'2016
- Būvniecības studiju programmas studentu un maģistrantu zinātniski praktiskā konference Būvniecība'2015
Datubāzes: AGRIS
Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology FOODBALT /Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. - Jelgava : LBTU. ISSN 2255-9817 (online). DOI: 10.22616/FoodBalt
- FoodBalt 2023 : 16th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Traditional Meets Non-Traditional in Future Food, Jelgava, May 11-12, 2023 : abstract book / editors-in-chief and responsible compilers of abstract book: Ruta Galoburda and Evita Straumite ; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. Jelgava : LBTU, 2023. 132 lp. DOI: 10.22616/FoodBalt.abstract.2023
- FOODBALT 2019 13th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “FOOD. NUTRITION. WELL-BEING”, Jelgava, May 2-3, 2019 : conference proceedings / [editor-in-chief and responsible compiler of conference proceedings - Evita Straumite] ; Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Food Technology. Jelgava : LLU, 2019, 280 lpp. ISSN 2255-9817. DOI: 10.22616/FoodBalt.2019
- FoodBalt 2017 : 11th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “Food science and technology in a changing world” Jelgava, April 27-28, 2017 : conference proceedings / [editor-in-chief and responsible compiler of conference proceedings - Evita Straumite] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Food Technology. Jelgava : LLU, 2017, 209 lpp. DOI: 10.22616/foodbalt.2017
- FoodBalt 2014 : 9th Baltic conference on food science and technology "Food for Consumer Well-Being", Jelgava, May 8-9, 2014 : conference proceedings / [editor-in-chief and responsible compiler of conference proceedings - Evita Straumite] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Food Technology. Jelgava : LLU, 2014.
- FoodBalt-2011 : 6th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Innovations for food science and production", Jelgava, May 5-6, 2011 : conference proceedings / [editor-in-chief and responsible compiler of proceedings, Evita Straumite] ; Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Food Technology. Jelgava : LLU, 2011. 216 lpp. ISBN 9789984480459
- FoodBalt-2008 : 3rd Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology : conference proceedings : [held in Jelgava, Latvia, April 17-18, 2008] / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Food Technology ; [editor-in-chief and responsible compiler of proceedings, Evita Straumīte]. Jelgava : LLU, 2008. 171 lpp. ISBN 9789984784694.
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, EBSCO Food Science Source, Scopus (2011), Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2014., 2017., 2019.), Crossref (2017., 2019.), Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
Civil engineering '17 : 6th International Scientific Conference "Research for Environment and Civil Engineering Development 17” : proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, November 2-3, 2017 / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering. - Jelgava, 2017. - Vol. 6, 130 pages. ISSN 2255-8861 (online)
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- Civil engineering '13 : 4th international scientific conference : proceedings / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Environmental and Civil Engineering Sciences. Department of Architecture and Building. Department of Structural Engineering. Jelgava : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2013 2 sēj. ISSN 2255-7776 (print). ISSN 2255-8861 (online)
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Pilns teksts (Part I)
Pilns teksts (Part II)
- Civil engineering '11 : 3rd international scientific conference, Jelgava, 12th - 13th of May, 2011 : proceedings / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Environmental and Civil Engineering Sciences. Department of Architecture and Building. Departments of Structural Engineering. Jelgava : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2011. ISSN 2255-7776.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO, Scopus (2011.g.), Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (2011. g., 2013. g., 2017.g.), Crossref (2017), Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
International Scientific Conference "Applied Information and Communication Technologies" [elektroniskais resurss] : proceedings / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Information Technologies. Jelgava. E-ISSN 2255-8586
- Applied information and communication technologies : 6th international scientific conference, April 25-26 2013, Jelgava, Latvia
- Applied information and communication technologies : proceedings of the 5-th international scientific conference, Jelgava, Latvia, April 26-27, 2012
- 4th International scientific conference "Applied information and communication technologies" : proceedings of the international scientific conference, Jelgava, Latvia, April 22-23, 2010
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2010.g., 2013.g.), Google Scholar, Primo Central (ProQuest-ExLibris).
Latvia University of Agriculture - 70 : research results, actualities, prospects : proceedings : international scientific conference, [October 29, 2009, Jelgava, Latvia] / [organizing committee: chairman P. Rivža ... [et al.]]. - Jelgava : Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2009.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Datubāzes: Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI), AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source.
International Scientific Conference "Economic Science for Rural Development": proceedings / Jelgava, Latvija. ISSN 1691-3078 (print). ISSN 2255-9930 (online). DOI: 10.22616/ESRD
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- Nr. 58 Circular Economy: Climate Change, Environmental Aspect, Cooperation, Supply Chains, Efficiency of Production Process and Competitive of Companies, Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, New Dimensions in the Development of Society, Rural Development and Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Bioeconomy : proceedings of the international scientific conference. ISBN 978-9984-48-433-4 (E-book)
- Nr. 57 Economic Science for Rural Development (2023) - Circular Economy: Climate Change, Environmental Aspect, Cooperation, Supply Chains, Efficiency of Production Process and Competitive of Companies, Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, New Dimensions in the Development of Society, Rural Development and Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Bioeconomy
- Nr. 56 Economic Science for Rural Development (2022) - Circular Economy: Climate Change, Environmental Aspect, Cooperation, Supply Chains
Efficiency of Production Process and Competitive of Companies, Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development New Dimensions in the Development of Society, Rural Development and Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Bioeconomy - Nr. 55 Economic Science for Rural Development (2021) - Sustainable Bioeconomy, Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, Rural Development and Entrepreneurship, Circular Economy: Climate Change, Environmental Aspect, Cooperation, Supply Chains, Efficiency of Production Process and Competitive of Companies, New Dimensions in the Development of Society
- Nr. 54 Economic Science for Rural Development (2020) - Home Economics, Marketing and Sustainable Consumption, Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development, New Dimensions in the Development of Society
- Nr. 53 Economic Science for Rural Development (2020) - Bioeconomy, Production and Co-operation in Agriculture, Finance and Taxes, Rural Development and Enterpreneurship
- Nr. 52 Economic Science for Rural Development (2019) - New Dimensions in the Development of Society, Home Economics, Finance and Taxes, Bioeconomy
- Nr. 51 Economic Science for Rural Development (2019) - Integrated and sustainable regional development. Marketing and sustainable consumption
- Nr. 50 Economic Science for Rural Development (2019) - Rural development and entrepreneurship. Production and co-operation in agriculture
- Nr. 49 Economic Science for Rural Development (2018) - Bioeconomy Finance and Taxes Home Economics New Dimensions in the Development of Society
- Nr. 48 Economic Science for Rural Development (2018) - Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development Marketing and Sustainable Consumption
- Nr. 47 Economic Science for Rural Development (2018) - Rural Development and Entrepreneurship Production and Co-operation in Agriculture
- Nr. 46 Economic Science for Rural Development (2017)
- Nr. 45 Economic Science for Rural Development (2017)
- Nr. 44 Economic Science for Rural Development (2017)
- Nr. 43 Economic Science for Rural Development (2016)
- Nr. 42 Economic Science for Rural Development (2016)
- Nr. 41 Economic Science for Rural Development (2016)
- Nr. 40 Economic Science for Rural Development (2015)
- Nr. 39 Economic Science for Rural Development (2015)
- Nr. 38 Economic Science for Rural Development (2015)
- Nr. 37 Economic Science for Rural Development (2015)
- Nr. 36 Integrated and Sustainable Regional Development (2014)
- Nr. 35 Marketing Home economic (2014)
- Nr. 34 Production and Co-operation in Agriculture (2014)
- Nr. 33 Finance and Taxes (2014)
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, Crossref (2018.g. - 2024. g.), EBSCO Academic Search Complete (2007. g. - 2024. g.), EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, EBSCO Discovery Service, Google Scholar, Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2008. g. - 2021. g.), Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
International Scientific Conference "Engineering for Rural Development" : proceedings / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies (Faculty of Engineering). Jelgava : Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2006- sēj. ISSN 1691-5976 (online). DOI: 10.22616/ERDev
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2024
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2023
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2022
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2021
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2020
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2019
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2018
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2017
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2016
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2015
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2014
- Engineering for Rural Development, 2013
Datubāzes: Agricola, AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, Crossref (2017. g. - 2024. g.), EBSCO Academic Search Complete (2008. g. - 2024. g.), EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate (2008. g. - 2024. g.), Google Scholar, Scopus (2011. g. - 2024. g.), Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2008. g. - 2021. g.), Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
International Scientific Conference "New Dimensions in the Development of Society" / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Social Science.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2011. g.), Google Scholar.
Research for rural development : international scientific conference proceedings / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Jelgava, Latvia. ISSN 1691-4031 (print), ISSN 2255-923X (online). DOI: 10.22616/RRD.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019, vol. 1
- 2019, vol. 2
- 2018, vol. 1
- 2018, vol. 2
- 2017, vol. 1
- 2017, vol. 2
- 2016, vol. 1
- 2016, vol. 2
- 2015, vol. 1
- 2015, vol. 2
- 2014, vol. 1
- 2014, vol. 2
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, Crossref (2017. - 2023. g.g.), EBSCO (2010. g. - 2023. g.), Scopus (2009. - 2023. g.g.), Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (no 2009. g.), Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
International Scientific Conference "Rural Environment. Education. Personality." (REEP) / [Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. ISSN 2661-5207 (online). ISSN 2255-8071 (print). DOI: 10.22616/REEP.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- 17 (2024)
- 16 (2023)
- 15 (2022)
- 14 (2021)
- 13 (2020)
- 12 (2019)
- 11 (2018)
- 10 (2017)
- 9 (2016)
- 8 (2015)
- 7 (2014)
- 6 (2013)
- 5 (2012)
- 4 (2009)
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, Crossref (2018.g. - 2024.g.), EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Google Scholar, Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2012. g. - 2020. g.), Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris)
International scientific conference "Students on their way to science" : (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students) : collection of abstracts / Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. 2009- ISSN 1691-5623
Adrese tiešsaistē:
- 19 (2024)
- 18 (2023)
- 17 (2022)
- 16 (2021)
- 15 (2020)
- 14 (2019)
- 13 (2018)
- 12 (2017)
- 11 (2016)
- 10 (2015)
- 9 (2014)
- 8 (2013)
- 7 (2012)
Datubāzes: AGRIS; CAB Abstracts; EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, EBSCO Academic Search Alumni Edition, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate, EBSCO Discovery Service Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
Ražas svētki "Vecauce" / Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte. Lauksaimniecības un pārtikas tehnoloģijas fakultāte, SIA Mācību un pētījumu saimniecība “Vecauce”. Jelgava : Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte.
- Ražas svētki "Vecauce - 2023": Lauksaimniecības augstākajai izglītībai – 160, Latvija – dabas stihiju varā
- Ražas svētki "Vecauce – 2022" : Miers baro, karš posta
- Ražas svētki “Vecauce – 2021”: Raža ekstremālos apstākļos
- Ražas svētki “Vecauce – 2020”: Pētniecība COVID–19 ēnā
- Ražas svētki “Vecauce – 2019”: Gaidot starptautisko zinātnes vertējumu
- Ražas svētki "Vecauce - 2018". Latvijai- 100, Lauksaimniecības izglītībai - 155
- Ražas svētki „Vecauce – 2017”: Lauksaimniecības zinātne Latvijas simtgades gaidās
- Ražas svētki "Vecauce - 2016" : lauksaimniecības zinātne nozares attīstībai
- Ražas svētki "Vecauce - 2015" : lauksaimniecības zinātne reorganizācijas laikā
- Ražas svētki „Vecauce – 2014”: Lauksaimniecības zinātne jaunajā plānošanas periodā
- Ražas svētki “Vecauce – 2013”: Lauksaimniecības augstākajai izglītībai Latvijā – 150
- Ražas svētki "Vecauce - 2012" : Studijas - zinātne - prakse
- Vecauce – 2011
- Vecauce – 2010
Datubāzes: AGRIS; CAB Abstracts; EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris) Google Scholar.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency : proceedings of the international scientific conference / [chief editor, Pēteris Rivža]. Jelgava : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2012. 256 lpp. ISBN 9789984480701.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Datubāzes: Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2012), AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source.
International Scientific Conference "Academic Agricultural Science in Latvia-150". Academic agricultural science in Latvia-150 : proceedings : international scientific conference, September 19-21, 2013, Jelgava, Latvia / [organizing committee, chairman P. Rivža ; scientific committee: J. Skujāns ... [u.c.] ; Latvia University of Agriculture]. Jelgava : Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, [c2013]. 267 lpp. ISBN 9789984481180.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
"Lauksaimniecības zinātne veiksmīgai saimniekošanai" raksti = Proceedings of the Scientific and Practical Conference Agricultural Science for Successful Farming / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte, Latvijas Agronomu biedrība, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija, Valsts lauku tīkls. Jelgava : Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2013. 258 lpp. ISBN 9789984480978.
Adrese tiešsaistē:
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).
Zinātniski praktiskās konferences "Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība" raksti = Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference "Harmonious Agriculture" / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitātes Lauksaimniecības fakultāte ... [u.c.]. 2014- Jelgava : Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, 2014- sēj. ISSN 2500-9451 (online)
Datubāzes: AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Academic Search Complete (2014. g. - 2024. g.), EBSCO Academic Search Ultimate, Academic Search Alumni Edition, EBSCO Discovery Service, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris), Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2017. g.).
Dzīvnieki. Veselība. Pārtikas higiena : konferences "Veterinārmedicīnas zinātnes un prakses aktualitātes" raksti = Animals. Health. Food hygiene : proceedings of conference on "Current events in veterinary research and practice" / Latvijas Biozinātņu un tehnoloģiju universitāte. Veterinārmedicīnas fakultāte. 2008- Jelgava : LLU VMF, 2008-. sēj.
- Pilns teksts (2022)
- Pilns teksts (2019)
- Pilns teksts (2017)
- Pilns teksts (2014)
- Pilns teksts (2012)
- Pilns teksts (2010)
- Pilns teksts (2008)
- Pilns teksts (2006)
Datubāzes: Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) (2010. g.), AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Google Scholar, Primo (ProQuest-ExLibris).