Doctoral Theses Submitted for Defence
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Information about Doctoral Theses and summaries of Doctoral Theses see in the database:
Theses Presented at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Inese Trušiņa (ORCID:
"System analysis of sustainable development"
- Summary of the Doctoral thesis for the acquiring Doctoral degree Doctor of
Science (Ph.D.) in Social Sciences (PDF 2,4MB) - Doctoral thesis for the acquiring Doctoral degree Doctor of
Science (Ph.D.) in Social Sciences (PDF 3,9MB)
Presentation and defence of the doctoral thesis will be held at an open meeting of the Doctoral Council for Economics of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies at February 21, 2025 at the Faculty of Economics and Social Development (18 Svetes iela, Jelgava), Room 212, at 10:00 AM.
Scientific supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Dr.oec. Elita Jermolajeva (ORCID:, Leading Researcher, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Social Development of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.
Mairita Kalniņa (ORCID:
"Use of options of Degraded Areas in Latvian Municipalities"
- Doctoral thesis for the acquiring Doctoral degree Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Social Sciences (PDF 3,8MB)
- Summary of the Doctoral thesis for the acquiring Doctoral degree Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Social Sciences (PDF 1,9MB)
The defense of the doctoral thesis will be held at an open meeting of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Promotion Council, sub–branch of science – Agrarian and Regional Economics, on March 21, 2025 in Jelgava, 18 Svetes Street, Faculty of Economics and Social Development, Room 212, at 10:00 AM.
Scientific supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Professor, Faculty of Economics and Social Development, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Dr.oec. Modrīte Pelše (ORCID: