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Doctoral Theses Submitted for Defence

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Information about Doctoral Theses and summaries of Doctoral Theses see in the database:

Theses Presented at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies


Lilita Ābele (ORCID:
"Sustainable development and digitalization mutual synchronization in municipalities"

Presentation and defence of the doctoral thesis will be held at an open meeting of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Doctoral Council for Economics and Business, sub-branch – Agricultural and Regional Economics at 10:00 a.m. on 25th October, 2024 at the Faculty of Economics and Social Development, 18 Svetes Street, Jelgava, Room 212.

Scientific supervisor of the doctoral thesis:
Dr.habil.oec. Baiba Rivža (ORCID:, Professor of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, academician of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.

Jovita Pilecka-Uļčugačeva (ORCID:
"The risk assessment of spatial spread of urban air pollution by heavy metals"

The thesis will be defended at a public session of the Promotion Board of the Sector of Environmental Engineering and Energy on October 16, 2024 at 14:00 in the meeting hall of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, 11 Akadēmijas Street, Jelgava.

Scientific supervisors of the doctoral thesis:
Ph.D. Inga Grīnfelde (ORCID:, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies;
Ph.D. Linda Grinberga (ORCID:, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.